
Aula de Estudios Sociales

The Social Studies Classroom (Aula d'Estudis Socials - AES) is a non-profit organization whose goal is the training of professionals, students, children and society in general, in all sorts of social problems, significantly emphasizing the field of people with disabilities.



Who we are

We are a non-profit organization, registered in the Registro de Asociaciones de la Conselleria de Justícia de la Generalitat de Catalunya with the number 14,965 and declared of Public Utility by the Ministerio del Interior on December 29th, 1997.

History of the Catalan Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired

In 1993, the lack of social integration and basic services suffered by the blind and low vision collective, led a group of people, most of them visually impaired, to fund the Catalan Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (Associació Catalana de Cecs i Disminuïts Visuals -  B1B2B3) in order to offer services to the collective, make their problems known, and, in this manner, improve their quality of life and social integration.

This project came to fruition on February 17th, 1994, when the Catalan Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (B1B2B3) was recorded in the Direcció General de Dret i d’Entitats Jurídiques del Departament de Justícia de la Generalitat de Catalunya Register with the number 14,965.

Our Association started very modestly, located in a private apartment and exclusively offering Socio-cultural Animation activities with the support of a few volunteers. Thanks to them, the Association was able to increase its areas of work to our three standard ones: Personal Services, Cultural Services and Social Services.

In 1996, the Association moved to a small office and signed an agreement with the Dirección General de Objeción de Conciencia del Ministerio de Justicia to include conscientious objectors in its activities. The high number of volunteers and objectors involved made it necessary to create specific courses to formalize the training they received.

The following year, the  Ministeri de l’Interior recognized our task and declares us of Public Utility on December 29th.
The year after, the Institut Català del Voluntariat of the Generalitat de Catalunya received competency over conscientiuos objection and reafirmed its colaboration with us, assigning a substantial number of objectors to our activities, with the parellel increase in services offered by the Association. That same year, we started to promote scientific research oriented to the solution of visual problems and raising awareness in the population in general on the necessity of this research.

In 1999, the Social Studies Classroom (Aula d’Estudis Socials - AES) was created to design and teach trainnig courses to our volunteers, to make these courses known and available to society in general, and to create new ones.

In 2001, we moved to our current location on Cardenal Reig, 32 (Barcelona), where we have been developing our activity to the present.

In 2006, helped by a significant financial donation offered by  La Caixa and the Pfizer Fundation, the B1B2B3 became a mid-sized entity, improving and increasing its services with the incorporation of many professionals, offering more adapted computer classes, a new psychological area, new courses and workshops on braille and new technologies, raising awareness in children, introduction to disabilities, barriers and guide dogs.

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